Selected Projects



Here are some details of a few projects that we have assisted on in the last few months along with some testimonials from clients….

Tesco Metro and Retail Unit Egg TP advised on planning application for a proposed Tesco Metro in the north-east of England. We recently assisted in securing planning permission for the construction of a £2.1m commercial property development in Sunderland, comprising a new foodstore and bakery on a site adjacent to Kings Road in Southwick in Sunderland. The scheme comprises 5200sq ft, it will create about 50 jobs and will help to regenerate this part of Southwick. The application was approved in April 2023 with no issues raised from the local highway authority.

The Store Room, Sunderland Working alongside, Eden Planning Egg TP advised on a proposed change of use application from non-food retail to B8 storage. The site is located at the former Harveys and Carpet Right unit in the Castletown area of the city. The application should be determined in Spring 2023 with no objection from highway officers.

Drive-through Starbucks and Retail Units, South Shields Egg TP advised on a proposed drive-through Starbucks and three retail units on a parcel of land next to Claypath Lane in South Shields. The application is in the determination period and is being managed by Tony Carter of Carter Smith Planning.

Former Halfway House Pub in Carmel, Flintshire The planning applicationn which sought permission to demolish a pub and replace it with two new dwellings, was stalled due to concerns raised from highway officers. Egg was brought in to review the proposals and after suggesting some monir design tweaks and engaging with highway officers, the proposals were approved.

Single Dwelling in Fulbeck, Morpeth – We advised on access issues and helped secure outline planning permission for the construction of a single dwelling in Fulbeck, Morpeth.

Expansion of the Savoy Hotel London Working alongside Aeolus Air Quality Consulting, Egg TP assisted in the air quality assessment of the proposed extension to the hotel by providing trip generation forecasts.

Expansion of the Circle Dental Practice, Stretford The owners of the Circle Dental Practice wanted to expand their surgery to provide an additional two treatment rooms. The local highway authority however, objected to the proposals on the grounds that the proposals would have an unacceptable impact in terms of on-street parking demands in the local area. Egg TP advised at planning application stage, however the local planning authority refused the application. We managed the appeal process and the proposals were finally approved at appeal in September 2021.

Client feedback – “Prior to Stephen coming on board, we had spent the best part of four years trying to negotiate with the local planning authority in order to expand our NHS dental practice.  The advice that Egg Transport Planning provided was excellent and has enabled us to continue to provide the level of dental services that we currently offer and to realise our long-term business plans. I have recommended Egg Transport Planning to a number of fellow dentists who want to expand their practices who may face similar issues to us.” Dr Vaibhav Vyas – Director of Circle Dental Practice, Stretford

Residential Development at 328A Hanworth Road, Houslow, London We advised on an application to convert an existing dwelling at 328A Hanworth Road into 4 flats, plus the construction of 2 houses in the rear garden of the property. The application was approved with no highways issued raised.

Music Recording Venue, Chester The client wanted to renovate a vacant industrial building and convert it into a music recording studio which fell under planning class E, ‘Commercial, Business and Service’. The recording studio was to have three DJ booths and two rehearsal rooms. The remainder of the building included an area of open warehousing which would form an ancillary use to the music recording studio. It was proposed that the warehousing would occasionally, be used as a space for events which would be associated with the recording studio use. Egg Transport Planning produced a Technical Note that was submitted alongside the planning application which described the transport implications of the proposals and justified the level of parking. During the determination period, the local planning authority requested that the venue was to be run in accordance with a Visitor Management Plan (VMP) which Egg Transport Planning produced. The application was approved in September 2021 resulting in another happy client.

Residential Development, Coventry The client was applying for prior approval for a change of use from retail space to a dwelling for the rear of the existing retail unit. Highways officers requested that a plan showing parking for residents was submitted alongside the application.   Egg Transport Planning liaised with highway officers and got them to agree to a lower level of parking than the standards required. We also designed a car park which maximised the number of parking spaces in what is quite an irregular space using swept path analysis. The local highway authority accepted the design and the application was approved in July 2021. The client was delighted with the speedy turnaround of the car park design, enabling them to progress with their investment.

Agricultural Workers Cottages, Northumberland Carter-Smith Planning Consultants approached Egg Transport Planning to overcome an objection to a set of proposed cottages that was raised by highway officers. The objection related to various aspects of the site layout, including parking arrangements and the surfacing of the internal courtyard. After reviewing the proposals, Egg Transport Planning liaised with highway officers and a number of designs tweaks were put forward which both the client and the highway officers agreed to. The highways objection was the only outstanding issue with this application and so after Egg Transport Planning got involved, the case officer approved the proposals in  May 2021.

Tony Carter MRTPI, owner of Carter-Smith Planning Consultants said: “Stephen helped us with a planning application that was the subject of an objection from highways officers. Stephen provided advice on the layout and liaised with the highway authority. He helped to overcoming the objection from highways and ultimately assisted in the scheme gaining planning permission. I would definitely use him again on future projects.”

Redevelopment of the Gorse Hill Hotel in Stretford Egg Transport Planning was recommended by Rachael of ABL Planning to a local landowner, who had concerns that the proposed expansion of the Gorse Hill Hotel would have a negative impact on his propert. On behalf of the landowner, we undertook a comprehensive review of the proposals and concluded that the scheme was of a poor design from a transport perspective and did not accord with local and national planning policies. The findings of our review were submitted as a Technical Note during the consultation period. Subsequently the planning application was withdrawn to the relief of the local landowner.

The client said: “I commissioned Egg Transport Planning to provide a peer review of a proposal that would have resulted in a threat to several of my investment properties. They provided a thorough review in tight timescales and put forward a compelling case against the proposals. I am hugely grateful for their services and am planning on using them again for a different project.”