Egg Transport Planning | Services

Below is a list of some of the services that Egg Transport Planning provides.

Email or call us on 07737 274116 or 01625 873406 to discuss your transport planning requirements.


Transport Assessments (or TAs)

Transport Assessments are documents that are required to accompany planning applications for developments that would generate a significant volume of trips.

In very simplistic terms, a Transport Assessment should aim to demonstrate that a proposed development accords with national planning policies as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) as well as local planning policies that relate to transport. It should also:

  • show that the proposals provide safe and suitable access for all users;
  • demonstrate that the application site can be accessed by non-car modes such as bike, walking and public transport;
  • forecast the level of vehicle trips that the proposed development will generate and what the effect of these additional trips will be on the road network. This is commonly established through detailed junction assessments.

Transport Statements (or TSs)

Transport Statements are similar to Transport Assessments but are less detailed and don’t usually include junction assessments. Transport Statements are produced for developments that generate a lower level of trips than those that would require a full TA.

An often-used rule of thumb is that if a development generates more than 50 trips during the peak hours then a TA is required, if less, then a TS may be required. Applying this 50-trip threshold typically equates to around 80 houses for housing developments (userclass C3) and a floor area of around 800sqm for food retail (userclass E).

Design of New Access Junctions

To ensure that new access junctions are safe to use, it is paramount that they adhere to relevant design standards. New site accesses must be able to provide drivers with adequate visibility splays, they must be able to safety accommodate the largest vehicles that will realistically use the development and should, if relevantprovide suitable facilities for pedestrians and cyclists.

In order to avoid any ransom issues, then only land that is under the control of the applicant or within the public highway should be used to provide the new junction and the visibility splays.

Site Feasibility Studies

These are often produced for developers who may be purchasing or taking an option on a site. The study will highlight any highways and transport issues that may affect the likelihood of gaining planning permission. Feasibility studies usually involve determining whether an access can be achieved but the scope of the study can vary and can be tailored to the specific site and needs of the client.

Road Safety Audits (RSAs)

These studies are usually required where a development is proposed that could change road user behaviour or road safety, such as a change in the physical layout of the highway network or an advertising structure. Most highway authorities require the submission of an RSA as part of the adoption process of a new public highway and it is becoming more common for RSAs to be submitted in order for planning applications to be validated.

There are four stages in the RSA process, which are described as follows:

  • Stage 1 – completion of preliminary design, normally prior to the submission for planning permission
  • Stage 2 – completion of detailed design, usually before the tender documents have been submitted
  • Stage 3 – completion of construction prior to opening
  • Stage 4 post opening collision monitoring (1 year after opening of the highway scheme)

Road Safety Audits must be undertaken in accordance with specific guidelines by a specially trained audit team, who are independent of the design team. Using The Network of trusted auditors, Egg Transport Planning can commission RSAs and act as the design team, in order to respond to any issues raised through the audit process

Support at Planning Appeals

We can support your appeal, whether it is through written representations, an informal hearing or a public inquiry.

Advice on Site Masterplans

We can provide transportrelated advice during the early design stages. This can involve advising on the number of access points required, whether there is a need for an emergency access, applying local design standards, considering visibility requirements and providing swept path analysis (see below).

Swept Path Analysis

This involves taking a site layout drawing (in CAD) and ‘driving’ a vehicle around a site layout to ensure that the roads can accommodate the movements of the largest vehicles that will use the site. For residential schemes this typically requires checking that the swept path of a large refuse vehicle does not conflict with any footways or private land.

Design Car Park Layouts

We can design car parking layouts to provide space for things like bin stores whilst maximising the car parking provision.

Travel Plans

In basic terms, Travel Plans are strategies that are put in place typically to minimise single occupancy car trips and promote sustainable travel such as walking, cycling and public transport.

The Travel Plan process involves undertaking travel surveys of site users, establishing their current travel patterns and determining whether there are any factors that impede the users from choosing sustainable transport. For example, the surveys could highlight a lack of secure cycle parking as such a factor.

Once the results of the surveys have been analysed a set of Travel Plan measures are then implemented in order to try and encourage sustainable travel. This could, for example, be the provision of secure cycle parking.

At a later date, a further set of surveys are undertaken to establish how effective the measures have been and to further enhance the Travel Plan measures. This process is usually repeated for a number of years.

Framework Travel Plan (FTP)

A Framework Travel Plan is a document that defines how the full Travel Plan process will be rolled out. It is usually produced prior to surveys being undertaken and needs to be agreed by the local planning authority and local highway authority. Framework Travel Plans are often submitted as an accompanying document to planning applications but can also be secured through planning conditions.

Transport Chapters for Environment Statements (ES)

Some developments are classed as Environmental Impact Assessment development and as such require an Environmental Statement (ES). We have extensive experience of producing ES chapters on transport in accordance with the relevant IEMA guidelines.

S106 Negotiations

We are highly experienced in negotiating with highway authorities during the determination period when planning conditions and obligations are agreed.

It may be the case that the highway authority will ask for the developer to agree to a number of conditions which may be considered onerous or unnecessary by the applicant and design team. 

Egg Transport Planning can ensure that all conditions will adhere to the national planning policies and will be imposed where they are necessary, relevant to planning and to the development to be permitted, enforceable, precise and reasonable in all other respects.

Similarly, any obligations that are sought should be;

  1. necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms;
  2. directly related to the development; and
  3. fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the development.

S278 Design Packages

Detailed designs of highway schemes require technical approval from highway authorities before you can put the works out to tender. We don’t produce S278 design packages at Egg Transport Planning but through The Network, we can point you in the direction of someone who can help you.